Dr. Henry Landor 1870-1877

Dr. Henry
Dr. Landor was the first superintendent at the former
London Asylum for the Insane. Of Welsh descent, he graduated from the
Aldersgate School of Medicine in London,
England. He was
a colonial surgeon to the British Naval Forces on the African Gold Coast, then
a resident physician of the Higham Retreat in Norwich. Prior to his appointment at London, he was superintendent of the Insane Asylum at Malden, Ontario,
1868-1870. At Malden and London, his treatment was common for the time; it
consisted of moral treatment, a therapy of a healthy diet, rest, occupation, and
entertainment, alcohol as a sedative, and the use of mechanical restraints.
Dr. Landor was prominent in the community and in his profession. In 1871, he
presented a paper to the Association of Officers of Asylums for the Insane in
the United States and Canada titled, Insanity in Relation to the
Law and in 1873, his paper on Hysteria in Children as Contrasted with
Mania was published in London,
Dr. Landor expressed resentment at the control exerted by Inspector John
Woodburn Langmuir, who was responsible for Prisons and Public Charities,
complaining in 1876 that the system had become "too unbearably military
for endurance." Dr. Landor died at the LAI in 1877 after a severe illness.
The London Daily
Free Press described him as "a gentleman universally respected on
account of his attainments, and independence and sincerity of character, and
those with whom he was on intimate friendship felt an affection for him which
may be said to be rare."
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