Doctors and Connections to the University of Western Ontario

Photograph of doctors at the London Asylum, demonstrates the important relationship between doctors at the asylum and the London Medical School. Nursing Yearbook, circa 1931. RMHCL
The Superintendent of the London Asylum and also one of the founders of the Western Medical School was Dr. R. Maurice Bucke. He began the tradition of physicians and superintendents lecturing at the Western School of Medicine. Among those who lectured at the Medical School between the years 1901-1945 were:
Dr. Fulton Schuyler Vrooman - Superintendent
Dr. Sidney Gordon Chalk
Dr. Claud Andrew McCleanahan
Dr. George Herbert Stephenson - Superintendent
Dr. James Reginald McGeoch
Dr. Archibald McCausland - Superintendent
Dr. Alexander Ernest McKercher
Dr George Edgar Hobbs
Dr Lionel Sharples Penrose
Dr. William John Earle
Dr John H. Stead
Dr. George Alexander McCallum - Superintendent
Dr. W. J. Robinson - Superintendent