Library Student Advisory Council

Recruitment to take place in Fall 2024, contact for more information. 


In 2022, Western Libraries Strategic Planning process identified the need for the development of a Library Student Advisory Council to establish and embed mechanisms for open communication between the student body and the administration of Western Libraries. Student Outreach and Engagement Librarian worked with the University Student’s Council and the Society of Graduate Students to develop Terms of Reference with the aim of engaging in collaborative recruitment to establish this group in the fall of 2023.

The function of this group will be:

  1. To provide a regular mechanism for channeling experience at Western Libraries.
  2. To solicit student feedback regarding existing library programs and services, at points of review and redevelopment stages.
  3. To involve students as key stakeholders in the development of new library services and facility enhancements.
  4. To create the platform for student voices and empower them to collaboratively shape the future of Western Libraries.


The purpose of this Advisory Council is to represent the various opinions and concerns of Western students regarding the libraries and to provide a forum for the library administration to solicit advice from students about library programs and services. For this reason, the Advisory Board should be composed of a diverse group of students who can give voice to and can raise perspectives from across campus.


In response to Western Libraries staff presentations, this group will provide feedback regarding library services and spaces. When necessary, they might be surveyed and / or support survey development of targeted student groups on campus.


This group is advisory to the Vice Provost and Chief Librarian and will be recognized in every student’s Co-Curricular Record (CCR).


  • Vice-Provost and Chief Librarian (Chair)
  • Senior Leadership Team (SLT) member
  • Student Outreach and Engagement Librarian
  • 12-14 student representatives from University Students’ Council (USC) and Society of Graduate Students (SOGS)

Membership will be reviewed and updated as necessary on an annual basis (depending on student availability).


This group will begin to meet in Fall 2023.

Meetings and agenda

Meetings will be held twice a year. The schedule will be developed in consultation with the Advisory Council members to ensure minimum conflict with critical milestones within an academic year.

The Chair will set the agenda for each meeting according to the topics raised by the student representatives and the suggestions of the Vice Provost and Chief Librarian or designate. Members should submit agenda items to the Vice-Provost and Chief Librarian’s office no fewer than five days prior to meetings.