Policy for Assignment of Research/Study Space

The D.B. Weldon Library offers assigned individual research/study space to eligible applicants. These rooms provide locked, private space to those engaged in research and learning at Western University. Dedicated private study space is in high demand on campus. We have 76 study spaces available for assignment.

Applications for Summer 2025 are now open. Applications will close on April 8, 2025.

Click Here to Apply



Weldon accepts applications from:

  • PhD candidates
  • Master’s students
  • Postdoctoral scholars
  • Professors Emeriti
  • Visiting scholars

We have set aside rooms to give priority to Western community members who have varied lived experiences and specific needs, including:

  • Access to physical collections
  • Need for private study space
  • Difficult home situations
  • Accessibility needs

Applicants need to describe how a private, individual, long term study room will benefit them and their studies. There are many reasons why an individual may benefit from an assigned space. The assignment process has been adapted to take many of these reasons into account. Applicants are encouraged to share as much information as they are comfortable with when responding to questions. Please note that all information submitted in an application is held in confidence and will be only used for the purposes of study room assignments.


Applications are reviewed by a panel to ensure that the criteria for eligibility are met.

Final assignments are approved by the User Services Manager of the D.B. Weldon Library. Only successful applications will be notified of their assigned space via email.

Our assigned study rooms are in heavy demand. All eligible applicants will be reviewed and considered. If you are assigned a room, you will have to agree to our Terms of Use. A $25.00 security deposit is required to receive a room key, which is fully refundable at the end of the academic term.

Current assigned study room occupants are eligible to apply for renewal.

Daily Research/Study Space

We know there is high demand for dedicated quiet study space for faculty and graduate students at Western. A number of research/study rooms are available for daily use.

Keys are available at the Info Desk and may be borrowed with a Western ONECard. Keys must be returned to the Info Desk before the Library closes. Rooms are offered daily on a first come first serve basis.