Interlibrary Loans Borrowing Policy for Western faculty, staff, and students:
- Interlibrary Loans are available to all registered faculty, students, and staff of Western University and its Affiliated University Colleges (Huron, King's, and St. Peter's Seminary).
- There is no charge for the Interlibrary Loan service.
- Materials marked 'For Use in the Library Only' must remain in the Library and be returned to the Info Desk before closing at the end of each day.
- The loan period is determined by the lending library. The borrowed item is not renewable unless requested from and approved by Interlibrary Loans. Renewal may requested by email through interlib@uwo.ca.
- All material is subject to recall.
- Failure to return materials on time to Western Libraries will result in fines and suspension of borrowing privileges.
- The loss or damage of Interlibrary Loan materials should be reported to Interlibrary Loans staff. The borrower must pay the replacement cost set by the lending library.
- Copyright rules apply to all Interlibrary Loans.
If you have questions about requests or loans for material from another library, email interlib@uwo.ca.
Updated February 2025