Alpha Kappa Kappa - Beta Kappa Chapter
BBVA Foundation
Birks Family Foundation
BMG Canada
Canadian Embroiderers' Guild, London
Canadian Red Cross
Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited
Cipher Investments
Don Wright Faculty of Music
Embassy of Norway
EMC Corporation of Canada
Foundation Western
Golder Associates
The Gordon Jeffery Music Foundation
Honey Design
Gordon Jeffery Music Trust
Labatt Brewing Company Limited
Law Foundation of Ontario
London Chinese Press
London Community Foundation
May Court Club of London
McIntosh Gallery
Professor Emeritus James R. McKay
The Playboy Foundation
South Western Ontario Poetry
The Red Maple Journal
Redshift Music
Saputo Dairy Products Canada G.P.
Science Students' Council
Shanti Tea Importers Inc.
Smithsonian Chamber Music Society
Sony BMG Music (Canada)
United States Marine Band
The "W" Club
WindRose Trio
YMCA of Western Ontario