Southern Ontario Soil Types

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has created a vector based GIS dataset for the soils of Southern Ontario at a data capture map scale of 1:50,000 (may vary by individual county/region).  Attribute information includes soil type, area, stoniness, slope and drainage type.  The file size of the entire vector dataset is approximately 523mb.  A coverage map has been created to illustrate the extent of soil data coverage held at the Map and Data Centre.

Coordinate system: NAD 83 - Lambert Conformal Conic.
Source format: ESRI Shapefiles (ArcGIS/ArcView)
Created: 2000
Library Call Number: GD.CA.20 (Ontario)

Restrictions on Access

This resource is available to University of Western Ontario students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons.  Patrons will be required to present a valid UWO ID card and sign a release form when requesting the data. Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.

Data Manipulation / Usage

The Map and Data Centre has 2 GIS workstations equipped with ArcGIS 10.0 and other software to explore/manipulate the data.  UWO users may also copy requested resources to a data storage device (ex. USB flash drive, CD-R) for research or teaching use outside of the library. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs should be cited in any maps or graphics generated.

Sample View of the Data

Soil Types in the Area of Port Stanley - Elgin County, Ontario - 1:100,000

Soil Types in the area of Port Stanley.

Sample Citation

Soil Types of Ontario [computer file]. Guelph : Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), 2000.