Ottawa Region Orthoimagery
2005 City of Ottawa Orthoimagery
The 2005 Colour Orthoimagery of the City of Ottawa and area is in 55 MrSID format tiles at a spatial resolution of 20cm with a 20:1 compression ratio. Average file size is approximately 366mb. A map has been created to indicate coverage area.
Coordinate system: MTM - NAD 83, Zone 9
Aerial photography scale: Approx. 1:15,000
Aerial photography date: 2005
Ground pixel resolution: 20cm
Source format: MrSID
Restrictions on Access / Use
This resource is available to University of Western students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons. The City of Ottawa should be cited in any maps or graphics generated. Patrons will be required to sign a release form when requesting the data. Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.
Sample View of the Data
24 Sussex Drive - Prime Minister's Residence - Ottawa, Ontario
1994-1998 National Capital Commission Orthoimagery
The 1994 (Gatineau Park) and 1998 (Urban Area) Orthoimagery of the National Capital Area is in 132 separate JPEG files, each at a spatial resolution of 1 metre. The file sizes range from approximately 0.5mb to 5.08mb. A map has been created to indicate the coverage area.
Data Source: National Capital Commission (NCC)
Coordinate system: MTM - NAD 83, Zone 9
Source format: JPEG with JWG JWG
Library Call Number: GD.CA.11.2 (Regional) Ground pixel resolution: 1m
Gatineau Park 1994
Aerial photography scale: 1:10,000
Aerial photography date: October, 1994
Urban Area 1998
Aerial photography scale: 1:21,800
Aerial photography date: October 11, 1998
Restrictions on Access / Use
This resource is available to University of Western students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons. The NCC should be cited in any maps or graphics generated. Patrons will be required to sign a release form when requesting the data. Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.
Sample View of the Data
Parliament Hill and Surrounding area - Ottawa, Ontario