Landsat 5 and 7 Satellite Imagery Composites

Ontario Landsat 5 Image Composites

The Ontario Landsat 5 Image Composites have been made available by the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange (OGDE).  The LANDSAT-5 TM data was originally mosaicked together into large files that covered each of the UTM grid zones in the province. Each image was individually enhanced. No attempt was made to tone match it with adjacent images. These mosaics were then cut into smaller pieces for distribution.  An index map has been provided by the Map and Data Centre.

Satellite / Sensor: Landsat 5 TM
Projection: UTM NAD 83, Zones 15, 16, 17 and 18
Scene Dates: 1984 to 1995
Composite Bands: False Colour Infrared (4,3,2)
Ground pixel resolution: 30m resampled to 25m
Source format: 'SID' World

Restrictions on Access / Use

This resource is available to University of Western students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons. Patrons will be required to sign a release form  when requesting the data.  Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.

Sample View of the Data

Barrie and Surrounding Area, Ontario

Barrie imagery sample

Ontario Landsat 7 Image Composites

The Ontario Landsat-7 Image Composites are distributed under the authority of the Canada Centre for Topographic Information and have been made available by the Ontario Geospatial Data Exchange (OGDE). The LANDSAT-7 images are each a complete frame. They have not been mosaicked. They have been individually enhanced.  A map has been provided by the Map and Data Centre to indicate coverage area.

Satellite / Sensor: Landsat 7 TM
Projection: UTM NAD 83, Zones 15, 16, 17 and 18
Scene Dates: 1999 to 2001
Composite Bands: True Colour (1,2,3) and False Colour Infrared (4,3,2)
Ground pixel resolution: True Colour 15m, FC Infrared 30m
Source format: 'SID' World

Restrictions on Access / Use

This resource is available to University of Western students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons.  Patrons will be required to sign a release form when requesting the data.  Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.

Sample View of the Data

True Colour SID of Thunder Bay, Ontario

Thunder Bay imagery sample