Australia GeoData Topo 250k - Series 3
The GeoData Topo 250k, Series 3 dataset is a medium scale vector representation of the topography of Australia, developed by Geoscience Australia. Contains all topographic features appearing on 1:250,000 scale NATMAP topographic maps. The set includes metadata and documentation files. The entire data set is approximately 3.51gb.
Coordinate system: Geographic (Latitude and Longitude) - GDA 1994
Source format: ESRI Shapefiles (ArcGIS/ArcView)
Released: September 2006
Library Call Number: GD.AU.01 (World)
Available Themes / Layers
Cartography Directory
- Annotations
- Cartographic Lines
- Cartographic Points
- Graticule Annotations
- Graticules
- Grid Annotations
- Grids
Elevation Directory
- Contours
- Bench Marks
- Horizontal Control Points
- Spot Elevations
Framework Directory
- Prohibited Areas
- Reserves
- Framework Boundaries
- Islands
- Large Area Features
- Locations
- Mainlands
- Seas
- Geodata Indexes
- Map Indexes
Habitation Directory
- Building Areas
- Building Points
- Built Up Areas
- Cemetery Areas
- Cemetery Points
- Homesteads
- Place Names
- Populated Places
- Recreation Areas
Hydrography Directory
- Canal Lines
- Locks
- Rapid Lines
- Spillways
- Watercourse Lines
- Waterfall Points
- Bores
- Canal Areas
- Flats
- Lakes
- Pondage Areas
- Rapid Areas
- Reservoirs
- Springs
- Watercourse Areas
- Waterholes
- Water Points
- Marine Hazard Areas
- Marine Hazard Points
- Foreshore Flats
Infrastructure Directory
- Aerial Cableways
- Dam Walls
- Fences
- Marine Infrastructure Lines
- Marine Infrastructure Points
- Vertical Obstructions
- Water Tanks
- Yards
- Conveyors
- Mine Areas
- Mine Points
- Petroleum Wells
- Storage Tanks
Terrain Directory
- Caves
- Craters
- Deformation Areas
- Discontinuities
- Pinnacles
- Sand Ridges
- Sands
Transport Directory
- Aircraft Facility Points
- Railway Bridge Points
- Railway Crossing Lines
- Railways
- Railway Stop Points
- Railway Tunnel Lines
- Railway Tunnel Points
- Barrier Points
- Ferry Route Lines
- Foot Tracks
- Road Crossing Lines
- Road Crossing Points
- Roads
- Road Tunnel Lines
- Road Tunnel Points
Utility Directory
- Pipelines
- Powerlines
Utility Directory
- Cleared Lines
- Cultivated Areas
- Native Vegetation Areas
- Windbreaks
Restrictions on Access
This resource is available to University of Western Ontario students, faculty and staff for academic, research or personal reasons. Patrons will be required to present a valid UWO ID card and sign a release form when requesting the data. Data must be requested in person at the Map and Data Centre Reference desk.
Data Manipulation / Usage
The Map and Data Centre has 2 GIS workstations equipped with ArcGIS 10.0 to explore/manipulate the data. UWO users may also copy requested resources to a data storage device (ex. USB flash drive, CD-R) for research or teaching use outside of the library. Geoscience Australia should be cited in any maps or graphics generated.
Sample View of the Data
Selected Topographic Features - Canberra, Australia
Sample Citation
GeoData Topo 250k - Series 3 [computer file]. Canberra: Geoscience Australia, 2006.