Oxford University Press e-books

For books in the Oxford University Press platform, once you select a title you will be taken to the table of contents for the title. From here, once you select an individual chapter, you can read it online or download the chapter PDF. The option of downloading a whole book (from the table of contents page) is not available.

If you are browsing the platform, look for a green "Unlocked" image beside a title for the books/chapters available to you. We have purchased these titles and you should be able to read them online. The left panel will show you additional availability filter options.

Screen capture of an Oxford University Press e-book with red boxes around the green "unlocked" icon and the "availability" filters


If you are browsing the platform and select a title, you may only see the summary and a message at the bottom of the page that says “Please, subscribe or login to access full text content". This means that we haven’t purchased the title and using the login will not work. You can recommend the title for purchase by filling out our Recommend a Purchase form.


Screen capture of an Oxford University Press e-book with a red box around the message indicating that Western Libraries doesn't have access.