Marisa Tippett

- Knowledge Syntheses - Systematic and Scoping Reviews
- Digital Scholarship
Professional Biography
As a Research and Scholarly Communication Librarian, I provide research support to all students, faculty, and staff. I specialize in knowledge synthesis support in the area of Health and Medicine. Drawing on user needs research to expand Western’s capacity for digital research, I am also working with colleagues to develop a digital scholarship centre of excellence within Western Libraries. Previous work includes: Acting Director, Education Library – Western Libraries; Librarian, London District Catholic School Board; and Information Specialist, 3M Canada.
- BSc Honours, Zoology, Western University
- MLIS, Western University
Research Interests
Research has shown that having a librarian on your team will improve the quality of the review. I have been part and continue to be part of many successful research teams where I have been instrumental in the planning, searching, and writing of systematic and scoping reviews.