Kathryn Holmes

Photo of Kathryn Holmes
Teaching & Learning Librarian

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Faculty of Health Sciences, Undergraduates
  • Systematic Reviews / Knowledge Synthesis
519-661-2111 x87832

Professional Biography

I am a Teaching and Learning Librarian specializing in the undergraduate Health Sciences. Prior to joining Western, I worked as the Learning and Curriculum Support Librarian at Brescia University College and the Instructional and Reader Services Librarian at Trinity College at the University of Toronto.

I love working with faculty to create meaningful instructional sessions that encourage students to think critically and re-examine their research approaches.


BA, English and History, Huron University College, Western University
MI, Library and Information Science, University of Toronto

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is learner-centered, informed by an ethic of care, a feminist pedagogical approach, and the pursuit of knowledge justice. As an instructor, I believe in creating a classroom environment that values student voices. By connecting learning concepts to real-world events and ideas, I aim to build a space where students can share their own perspectives and consider the implications of their learning, both inside and outside the classroom.