Christy Sich (on leave)

Photo of Christy Sich
Teaching and Learning Librarian

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Social Sciences
519-661-2111 x84714

Selected Works

Professional Biography

I am a Teaching and Learning Librarian for Business and the Social Sciences. I’ve been an academic librarian for 20 years. Previously, I worked at the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Waterloo before arriving here at Western, where I have been the longest. I enjoy partnering with faculty to create information literacy lessons that help students succeed at their assignments and in their courses.


  • BA, English, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • MLIS, Western University

Teaching Philosophy

I approach teaching with optimism, humility, and wonder, and I use story to create engaging and transformative learning experiences. I want to set students up for success by creating a positive atmosphere and I use humour to achieve this. Transformative learning experiences occur when ideas and opinions are challenged, and so I like to present different angles to problems and make space for all voices to participate and be heard because everyone has something to offer.